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I first met with Dr. Philip Zimbardo, who is known for his Stanford Prison Experiment, in Shanghai in 2016.

Then, we ...

Story with Dr. Philip Zimbardo

Inner Heart was founded in 2015, as a psychology club in Shanghai Pinghe School.


I am the founder of this club and have taught multiple psychology courses in my high school life, including intro psych, intro personality, intimate relationships, intro neuroscience, and so on.


Furthermore, we have done two psychology experiments together.

Diffusion of Responsibility & Context-Dependent Memory

And ...

Story of Inner Heart

Following Dr. Daniel M.T. Fessler and Dr. Adam Sparks, we did a lot of different studies on human cognition and emotion.


This is a very unique experience of studying and investigating about evolutionary psychology.


This is the first lab I joined at UCLA!


During the summer of 2019, with 15 volunteers from Inner Heart, we have collected data for Elevation Study and Ectoparasite Study.

Story with FessLab

I got to know Dr. Tatsuya Kameda in the summer of 2019.

He is a professor at the University of Tokyo and Hokkaido University.

His research focuses on human sociality, collective intelligence, 

empathy, justice, and so on.


During the time I was in Tokyo, I volunteered in Dr. Kameda's lab as a research assistant.


Story with Tatsuya Kameda Lab

In the summer of 2019, I attended a summer school held by the Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).


In two weeks, we studied neuroscience with the most pioneering researchers and PIs, attended their lectures, and visited their laboratories to learn more about their current research.


Met a lot of friends from various universities all over China.  

Story with Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) 

I joined Fanselow Lab and began to study with my previous TA, Jeremy, in the fall quarter of 2019.


The lab focuses on studying acute vs chronic stress-enhanced fear learning (SEFL). Using rodent models, we conduct behavioral experiments to investigate the interaction between substance use disorders and anxiety disorders, such as PTSD. We are specifically interested in regions such as basolateral amygdala (BLA).


This is the first neuroscience lab that I have joined and it is a very exciting experience!

Story with Fanselow Lab
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